Jason Walker Show w/ guests: Team So. California, winners of the 44th Girl's Jr. Americas Cup 07/28/2022

ICYMI: Thursday, live once again from Green Meadow CC for the final round of the 44th Girl's Jr. Americas Cup. We talked with Team So. Cal. after they won by 24 shots, we had a MT Rodeo Roundup and much more. Visit jasonwalkershow.com.

ICYMI: Tuesday talking Montana and more with Stanford WBB Coach Tara VanDerveer. Plus, new Havre High FB coach Jake Eldridge stops by. Visit jasonwalkershow.com.

ICYMI: Tueday, Capital FB coach Kyle Mihelish, rodeo star Sam Petersen & Michaela Boyette-Fetzer. Visit jasonwalkershow.com.

ICYMI: Thursday, live once again from Green Meadow CC for the final round of the 44th Girl's Jr. Americas Cup. We talked with Team So. Cal. after they won by 24 shots, we had a MT Rodeo Roundup and much more. Visit jasonwalkershow.com.

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